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Hi! I'm Ashley. Pleased to meet you.


I have loved writing ever since I was little, claiming I would one day sell my long sought-after stories in bookstore chains across the country, taking trips to other countries to promote my work, and loving every moment of it. hasn't happened yet, but I ain't giving up.


If you're wondering if I have any writing merit, here's my proud (yet puny) track list: I have had a poem published in the America Library of Poetry's book "Talented;" I have written an article for my previous church in Pennsylvania; I received mostly A's in all my High School English courses, and I can tell you for a fact that all those teachers would vouch for me.


I haven't accomplished much, I realize that. But I'm getting there. I write because I enjoy it, because I thrive off it, because it's in my head every moment I'm awake (and even some moments that I'm asleep). If I had to choose one thing in life to do, it would be to write. It is my absolute passion, and I couldn't imagine a day without being able to at least scribble down an idea, or type out a little blurb, or wake up in a daze and write myself a confusing note I will have to decypher later. I am currently working on, well, probably too many stories to count. But my plans are to publish at least one of those in the very near future.


One of the many reasons I haven't been able to make my dream a reality is because of those vile, dreaded things every writer experiences - "writer's blocks." It seems I always find myself in a pickle, drumming my fingers on the keyboard, not able to commit to actually forming any words. I'll end up throwing the towel in after a while, coming up with a new idea, and starting a new story before the whole process resumes once again.


In case you haven't put two and two together, that's why I created this blog. I'm tired of giving in to the block! And I want to help other writers that feel the exact same way; to overcome the wretched thing. Even if it comes back a thousand times, we'll beat it a thousand and one times over.

"I write for the same reason I breathe - because if I didn't, I would die."

- Isaac Asimov

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